
Tomorrow night E! Television is showing their Olsen Twins special. We are told Broken Newz is getting some free PR on the show. Be sure to check it out (Pervs) Here is a preview

Death of my BBQ

Almost a decade ago I purchase a gas bbq. It was nothing special, I was not a rich man. I was a hungry man. The bbq took 10 seasons of snow, rain, heat, beer and bbq sauce spills. Eventually we named it Frankenque. I loved Frankenque. I used Frankenque several times a week feeding many...More Please

It makes me feel dirty to admit that one of our most popular features is our Olsen Twins Countdown. It receives thousands of hits each day. It has also received a ton of outside of hype. As of this second it only has 47 days, 1 hours, 48 minutes, and 12 seconds of funny left....More Please

Switching to Blogger

Since I am seldom at my desk anymore, I figured would be the best option for me to update my ramblings. For all three of you who read this, I plan to run daily updates. If I am feeling sassy, twice a day. Not that I really have that much to say.
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