Bill Doty
Bill Doty
Currently Viewing Posts By: Bill Doty
About the author

Bill Doty:

Stormtrooper’s Son

And the look in his face when you learned you didn’t

You Can Date A Geek

For the price of a cup of coffee, you can buy a geek a cup of coffee. Watch this video and see how.

The Later Guests

Last weekend I shot a short film I wrote with my friend Michelle. I worked with a few of the MORT actors as well as…

Spinal Tap Day 11.11.11

I’d like to suggest, no… demand that 11.11.11 be designated Spinal Tap day. I also demand each year after 11.11.__ be labeled the holiday as…

Sorry For Slavery

What says sorry for slavery better than a 6 foot tall “We’re Sorry” card with a giant kitten on it? A few years ago I…

Tennessee Prison Recruiting Video

I found an old Fark TV episode we film years ago. It was half edited, so… I finished it and posted the sucker. It was…

1950’s Coffee Commercials, at least the good parts.

I love a look back into the dark ages exposing us for the 50’s aholes we really were.

10 Things That Should Have Killed Us When We Were Kids

If the world considers you an adult, than you grew up in a time of less regulations and far more danger. We’re all fortunate to…