
Having Coffee with Business Jesus

Yesterday, I decided to step out of my home office and work on a budget for an upcoming project at a coffee shop in Tulsa. Normally, I’d do this from home, where I can freely pace, talk to my dogs about creative decisions, and not have to pretend to be productive. But since I also...More Please

Half Way Through Kick Cha Cop

As I mentioned before, I’m filming a new movie. I’m trying to get this one in the can before I start a new film this spring. Kick Cha Cop has been a blast. I’m working with a few friends I’ve already been on set with, combined with a group of new actors who I’ve immediately...More Please

Do you have a Brain that Wears Glasses?

Earth on Fire
Over the last few years, I’ve personally struggled with being too aware of my surroundings. Whether it’s too much social media, too much news, or just watching the world seemingly fall apart, I’ve felt the weight of seeing things that others don’t seem to notice. What’s most frustrating is watching people around me remain unbothered...More Please

Kick Cha Cop is Coming

Okay, kids, buckle up because this Thursday we’re kicking off production on Kick Cha Cop! (Yes, that’s the actual title, and no, we’re not changing it.) This little gem started as a short film—just something fun to keep a few of my Tulsa acting buddies busy. But, like all great ideas (like day drinking), it...More Please

Welcome to Oklahoma, Hunker Down

Growing up in California, I thought I had natural disasters figured out. Earthquakes? No problem. Fires? Annoying, sure, but manageable. As a kid in L.A., earthquakes were like impromptu recess drills. The ground would shake, and we’d run outside, laughing, pretending we were part of some action movie. Fires? Well, one of those did burn...More Please

Short Story – The Vintage Dress Find

The Vintage Dress
Natalie Palmer didn’t consider herself a superstitious person. At 22, she was grounded, practical, and a little too enamored with vintage fashion for her own good. So, when she stumbled upon an estate sale in a crumbling Victorian house on the edge of town, she couldn’t resist stopping. The air inside was thick with age,...More Please
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