
Roll that beautiful bean footage! I saw this banner on our site today I thought to myself “who would want a newsletter on beans? Well, we would. I have signed up for the newsletter, and plan to post them here. I am very excited about my new lease on life with beans!

I am thankful to say goodbye to such a busy week. I would like to thank my friend Sharky for getting me a gmail account. It is not as much as needing one…just wanted to be cool. We did an interview this week that will be posted on Monday that I am VERY excited about....More Please

1 days, 18 hours, 20 minutes, and 41 seconds That is (at present) the amount of time the Olsens are funny E! Online just did a small interview with me

Playing around on Fark I found this. I know it has been around for a while, I just never took it. I finally took it. Guess I am not as Conservative as previously thought Here are my results.

Yesterday I did something I have not done in years….if ever. I washed my wallet (by accident). The trip though the washing machine was not as bad as I feared. It just left some items a bit soggy. I have had that wallet for 10 years. I guess it is time to get a new...More Please

My desktop is fearfully old and outdated. I know this….I accept this. I have upgraded it as far as I possibly can. I have been working off my laptop more and more due to this. If I was to buy a new computer today, what should I get? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Also, if you just...More Please

Super Troopers was such a great movie. Kept me laughing the whole 90 minutes. When I heard they were making Club Dread, I was extremely excited. I never had time to see it in the theater so I waited for the dvd…which was yesterday. I did not bother to rent it, a purchase made far...More Please

There once was a guy named Kevin. He had a site. He was a poo poo head. Everyone left his site. Now he is all alone. The end. I love happy endings
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