
It has been raining here for several days. I might as well be living in Seattle. Kinda putting me in a slump. Fortunately…..my writers spread across the globe keep BN going. I really have nothing to say in the entry, I think I am just rambling.

Oh yeah, looks like we are going to try to get a movie made. We will be taking donations for this. Each donation will make you an EXECUTIVE PRODUCER to the film. Groovy huh? If you would like more info about this, gimme a shout. I should have a page up soon with more info.

Also, I am growing my goatee back. Not sure why. I grew it 10 years ago to look older. But now that I am 35, I do not think I need the extra help. Maybe I think it will do the reverse now. Who knows.

Back to looking at the rain

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