
10 Funniest Steve Jobs Videos

Unless you’ve been living under a PC you heard about the passing of Steve Jobs in 2011. Steve gave us so many thing and we gave so much money back. he provide many magical computers it allowed us to edit so many magical things. I spent a few hours scouring the interwebs to find the funniest animations, or puppets, or whatever of Steve Jobs.

10. Steve Mobs – The Simpsons
Could the Simpsons be so scared of sue-happy Apple that they changed the name to MOBS?

9, Steve Jobs Cheats Death With The iPad
Of course if Steve Jobs was still alive this would be funnier, also if it wasn’t so long… but the puppets rocked to I included it

8. Steve Jobs Save China Or Eats An Apple Or Something?
I’m not sure what in the Hell we’re witnessing here but if you’re into truly obscure adaptations of success stories, here you go.

7. Apple’s iChick
Apple has you covered, well… almost. Which if they could take care of one more aspect of your life? Your social life.

6. Steve Jobs VS Bill Gates
What’s it like to fight in the Apple Matrix? Bill Gates finds out

5. Steve Jobs’ Minecraft Funeral If you live your life in Minecraft you don’t always have time to go out and witness things, so somehims you just need to bring them to you.


4. Cat Vs. iPad
You really didn’t expect me to leave out a cat video… did you?

3. How Steve Jobs Stole Christmas. 
This was a great concept that I think hasn’t had enough eyes. Channeling some Dr. Seuss to show a little technology greed.

2. Steve Jobs Is Still Alive
The conspiracy theories are flying. But if you’re wondering if Steve Jobs is still alive, my friend Brian from bbspot made this goodie.

1. iPod and Family Guy 
Sure, Steve Jobs isn’t actually in this video but it has the Family Guy, Bill Gates, an iPod and it’s just really funny.

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