Bill Doty
Bill Doty
Currently Viewing Posts By: Bill Doty
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Bill Doty:

10 Jobs It’s Okay To Have A Mustache

10. Porn StarAt one time a mustache was a requirement to work in the sex entertainment business. As lower area hair became less desirable, so…

10 Funniest Business Names

Many businesses fail in their first few years of operation. Why is it? Could it be location, marketing, product? What if it just came down…

Will Apple Put An End To Star Trek?

My good friend Ben Dickson and I constantly joke about how Apple patents are getting more and more ridiculous each day. We usually do it…

Driving and BBQ’ing

I have uploaded another lost episode of Fark TV. This was based off a story about a guy who was cooking and driving. Our video…

Shark Pool, Perhaps The Greastest Fake Trailer Ever Made

There are so many parts of me that wishes this was a real film. But… this incredibly well done parody of a horrific teen/shark film…

My Short Film: The Later Guests

I just finished editing a Youtube verison of my short film. The final version will look slightly different. Watch it… or else.

No 49er Game Today

I was uber excited to watch some niner football. Turns out they have a bye. So it gave me time to find a picture that…

Cooking With Nicole Richie

During the tail end of my filming in Atlanta we shot a Nicole Richie parody where she talked about her cookbook. We found the irony…

How Forest Fires Are Started

Ever see something and think “ooohhhh, now it all makes sense.” Ever though I’ve never actually seen a flying bear with lasers coming out of…

Pumpkin Centipede

Is it Pumpkin Centipede or Human Pumpkinseed? I really don’t know where to go with this, but I love it