Bill Doty
Bill Doty
Currently Viewing Posts By: Bill Doty
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Bill Doty:

50 Things You Need To See On The Internet Before You Die

50? Just 50 things? There’s obviously more but so little time. Want them in a nice little video? Then watch the video I made right…

Everything I Love About The Internet

Last week I was driving back from Idaho when Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody came on the radio. The first line “Is this just the real life”…

I’m Such A Horriic Hack

A year ago I wrote 10 new minutes of stand up. I’ve spend a total of 10 minutes on stage in the last year working…

Interviewing Osama bin Laden’s Neighbors

I’m always fascinated when a serial killer is discovered in a suburban area and the media interviews the neighbors. They always say the same thing.…

SNL’s Live Action Ambiguously Gay Duo with Jon Hamm

I’m not sure if this is a man crush but lately all my latest favorite SNL sketches are starring Jon Hamm. Though I’m still in…

Debra Wilson in Oprah’s Last Show

I wrote and directed a piece starring Debra Wilson as Oprah. The first cut was 7 minutes long and took everything I had to cut…

Oprah’s Last Show

This weekend I filmed a piece I wrote called Oprah’s Last Show. It starred the amazingly funny Debra Wilson (Mad TV) and the rest of…

How Osama bin Laden changed my life.

This is going to sound extremely weird but Osama bin Laden put me on the path I’m on today. Prior to 9/11 I was working…

Me, Me as Dupree on Craigslist TV

Last year I played myself on an episode of Craigslist TV. It was a fun night of meeting two awesomely funny guys. This wasn’t scripted,…

Date A Geek – ASPCA Sarah McLachlan Parody

Each time someone watches that ASPCA commercial with the broken down cats and dogs, a tear emerges. But what about poor dateless nerds. Does anyone…