Bill Doty


Not that is really matters, but I have decided to add a comment section to my posts. Only because I am so bad at getting back to people via email. I see responses for things weeks after I post them. That is all

Oh yeah, This would be nice too DVD: The Office – The Complete Collection (First And Second Series Plus Special): “The Office – The Complete Collection “

Broken Newz is three years old. Weeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Usually I give away prizes or what not. This year, I am going to ask for something. If anyone loves me….and I know someone might….you would buy me this Oh yeah….Merry Xmas

The site is going through a massive reconstruction. Better yet, a complete rebuild. We are moving from a Windows to a Linux server so most of what we have will not work. It will have new URLS so if you had anything bookmarked other than the main page…..sorry. We will be adding new features…as well...More Please

Dear Old Schoolers…… A friend created this game Help him beta it……and waste a few hours (days)

Where has our site been? Good question. For some reason our host could not keep it up. Why can’t you access stories? Another good question. It appears that since they moved it to a new server they have not install all the software yet When will BN be fully functional again? Million dollar question. Soon...More Please

It has been raining here for several days. I might as well be living in Seattle. Kinda putting me in a slump. Fortunately… writers spread across the globe keep BN going. I really have nothing to say in the entry, I think I am just rambling. Oh yeah, looks like we are going to try...More Please

MSNBC did a little piece on internet satire….if you watch the end of the piece, you might recognize a site Thanks Dale

Yesterday the Cubs (my team) knocked themselves out of the wildcard spot. Fortunately I accepted this conclusion days ago. I forecasted their demise and prepared for worse. I have no idea why they fell apart, but once again…..they are gone. Last year when they were 5 outs away from the big show and took a...More Please

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