
Half Way Through Kick Cha Cop

As I mentioned before, I’m filming a new movie. I’m trying to get this one in the can before I start a new film this spring. Kick Cha Cop has been a blast. I’m working with a few friends I’ve already been on set with, combined with a group of new actors who I’ve immediately...More Please

Kick Cha Cop is Coming

Okay, kids, buckle up because this Thursday we’re kicking off production on Kick Cha Cop! (Yes, that’s the actual title, and no, we’re not changing it.) This little gem started as a short film—just something fun to keep a few of my Tulsa acting buddies busy. But, like all great ideas (like day drinking), it...More Please

I’ve Started My Own Film Festival

As a filmmaker, you become very opinionated quickly about submitting to and working with film festivals. There was a time when they were valid and even more so, a requirement to get your film seen and hopefully sold. But those days are gone and unless you’re politically connected or have a big name in your...More Please

How To Make A Low Budget Horror Film

A year ago I set out to make a low-budget horror film. It’s a companion piece to a documentary about cult films and how they came to be. I’ve talked to several actors and filmmakers of cult films and even managed to get a few into my own film. It’s been a fun journey. My...More Please
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