
Do you have a Brain that Wears Glasses?

Earth on Fire
Over the last few years, I’ve personally struggled with being too aware of my surroundings. Whether it’s too much social media, too much news, or just watching the world seemingly fall apart, I’ve felt the weight of seeing things that others don’t seem to notice. What’s most frustrating is watching people around me remain unbothered...More Please

Welcome to Oklahoma, Hunker Down

Growing up in California, I thought I had natural disasters figured out. Earthquakes? No problem. Fires? Annoying, sure, but manageable. As a kid in L.A., earthquakes were like impromptu recess drills. The ground would shake, and we’d run outside, laughing, pretending we were part of some action movie. Fires? Well, one of those did burn...More Please

The Great Bean Disaster or 1989

This year marked my first Thanksgiving in Tulsa, Oklahoma. For the past six years, Tonya and I have visited her family here, but we’d always managed to dodge the actual holidays. To be honest, Thanksgiving has never been our favorite. The fanfare feels overdone, and the food? Let’s just say it’s not always worth the...More Please

Happy Birthday To The Best Person I know

This November my favorite person, Tonya, turned 40. It coincided with our 4 year anniversary. She’s been a rock during every aspect of my life. She helped me make my films, helped me start a business, helped me make it through some very rough times, she helped me be the happiest I’ve ever been and...More Please

I’m At Treefort

  The Treefort Music Festival is in its 10th year. From day one it’s been pretty huge, pretty successful, pretty neat. Most of downtown Boise turns into a whole new musical world. There are several other “forts” happing turning this time. Filmfort, Yogafort, Alefort. One is called Hackfort where tech is given a bunch of...More Please

The Myth of Unconditional Love

Ignorance is bliss. It took the first steps into wisdom to realize this. Whether it’s religion, politics, health, whatever… ignorance makes life much, much better. Even when it comes to love. So I’m turning up the house lights a little. Straying away from my usual posts containing pictures of bacon or my self-promoting videos to...More Please
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