
Shosone Falls Starring Me

Earlier this year I traveled to Idaho to watch my niece graduate. While there I had to see the amazing points of interest. One of which being Shosone falls (of course this could be its ONLY point of interest). Combined with the fact that I’m a showoff and my son had a camera. He made...More Please

Don’t Tase me Sith!

I can’t believe I’m the only one on the interwebs that ever thought of this. I came up with the ideas years ago but had just assumed someone made it. Turns out no one did. So sadly, I did. I really need a life

Everything I Love About The Internet

Last week I was driving back from Idaho when Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody came on the radio. The first line “Is this just the real life” kicked in the memory of David Goes to the Dentist. As I listened on I realized most of the lyrics could be attached to a viral youtube clip. I edited...More Please

I’m Such A Horriic Hack

A year ago I wrote 10 new minutes of stand up. I’ve spend a total of 10 minutes on stage in the last year working it out. I plan on spending another 10 minutes in the next decade. I’m that good. What better way to express comedy gold by sneaking it all into a short...More Please
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