
The ‘El Cid’ Theory

I’ve been spending a lot of time in my hometown of Oakhurst lately. It’s 250 miles north of LA. I left 20 years ago and really hadn’t been back that often. The last 10 years I could count the visits on one hand. No bad memories, just a bad family member/friend I guess. I’ve always...More Please

Now knows what grows on my nose

My nose is all nosey and stitchyOriginally uploaded by Billdoty I had something removed from my nose last week. Doc said cancer but I know it was a coffee drinking accident. Either way I am all scarred up and ready to start my boxing career.

Health Care?

I don’t know if I should be concerned a bit. When I first moved back to California last year I was sick as a dog during my travel. It was a sweet little goodbye from Atlanta. Since then I haven’t been sick once. Not a cold, flue, nothing. Is my body saving up for the...More Please

Too Dumb To Be On Facebook?

I write for a blog called Big Stupid Idiot. If you haven’t been to it then I hate you. I write about anything including Facebook. As you might know I am a huge Facebook whore. As much as I make it difficult for other facebookers with my constant showing off, there are others that just...More Please
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