
Jesus Chirst Vampire Hunter

I have been watching really bad movie trailers this morning while downing coffee. I have decided it’s my sole purpose to now create the WORST HORROR MOVIE OF ALL TIME. I don’t know what it will be yet, but if anyone is interested… lemme know So you know, it HAS to be worse than this.

Badger Days 2009

This last weekend was a crazy reunion that consisted of every member of my high school alumni who wished to attended. The scuttlebutt was ablaze as I helped organize an impromptu get together all via the power of Facebook. It seemed that over 200 hundred people showed for the two day fiesta but we never...More Please

Million Hit Video – Kicked In The Nuts

We created over 170 online videos between Turner and Even a few side videos that went straight to Youtube. Though combined they had several million hits, we never had a video that hit the million view count from one source. Well, we finally did. The video we did with Scotty K and his super-human...More Please

Where did 1983 go?

An old high school friend dug up some old elementary school photos. Both of which I believe are my 6th and 8th grade Yearbook staff photos. Somehow I ended up on the top of both photos. As if I am not tall enough. I also seemed to be a big fan of the bowl haircut....More Please

Lama Boy Lives

Almost a year ago we did our Lama Boy Video, it started getting a little more love. A showed called Poptub which it appears not too many people watch, gave it some props in an episode.
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