
How Osama bin Laden changed my life.

This is going to sound extremely weird but Osama bin Laden put me on the path I’m on today. Prior to 9/11 I was working in the business end of a handful of internet sites. On September 1st, 2001 I had just began work with a start up who recruited me to be their business manager. They had big plans and I was uber excited. 10 days later two planes crash into the World Trade Center and I’m standing across from a nervous CEO who is handing me a ‘small’ severance check and wishing me the best.

Turns out everyone was scared… no one was hiring.

No one.

I ended up designed websites for out of work celebrities. Celebrities who wanted to pay in signed t shirts and mugs. Oddly the bank didn’t take those.

A decade earlier I had done stand up, wrote a screen play and even produced a play. But I knew how hard the entertainment industry was so I walked away to be an adult. No matter how sucky being an adult was.

I knew I loved the interwebs, I knew if I was going to survive I’d have to do it on my own. I also knew I loved being creative and all around showing off.

So I started a humor website called Broken Newz. Day and night I wrote funny. Each day I grabbed new readers. Eventually it was my full time job.

Since then I’ve sold the website and moved on to other things. But I have fond memories of the 7 years I spend day and night at my computer updating and posting satire news. That website changed my life. For the better, of course.

Anyhow… ramble ramble. Thank our troops for finding him and ending his horrific life. Here is a graphic from Broken Newz from one of the many Osama bin Laden satire articles I wrote. Viva la BN.

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