
We have been invaded by hate mail consisting of an ocean of bad english. Perhaps that is why I find humor in this picture I took in the toy section of Walmart. From a far, harmless enough But upon further review

For the first time since we have begun our daily updates, Broken Newz skipped an update. But not just one, a whole week of updates. The reason is, I was moving. So it was a great excuse to give everyone a week off. But what a horrid move it was. I wanted to ease my...More Please

A little follow up to the Hung story. It seems that the China Press posted ….well…let’s call it stole….our story and placed it for several days on their main page. Hundreds of thousands read it, and believed it, then Googled it to our site. When then finally realized it was satire, were very upset. Most...More Please

I was looking around at the message board at the new comments from our friends over seas who did not catch we were a satire site as we posted our story about William Hung Such comments as Your web site makes a crappy piece of shite.   and   wtf is that supposed to mean?...More Please

I got a new cell phone today. The sucker is a monster. In the past I have always gone for the smaller phones. But this one has mega bells and whistles. I am excited about the video sending ability. I am hoping to incorporate it with the site. Should be fun

I am getting ready to move. In the past, I have always rented a truck, loaded, unloaded all by myself. Usually costs me $500 plus and a painful back. I called a place out of the blue who will load, drive, unload for $400. I guess with age comes wisdom or some lame deal like...More Please

Happy 4th of July. I now have 3 more gmail accounts if anyone wants them. You can email me at my gmail address which is billdoty @ Going back to the 4th. Currently I am living outside of Vegas just over the Utah border. Less hustle and bustle but with all the heat and...More Please
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