
Turkish Star Wars – Say Goodbye To Your Childhood

I don’t even know where to begin. If you have 30 minutes and a childhood to erase away, what this Turkish disaster consisting of everything good about your youth ripped apart right in front of your face.

Turkish-made film commonly known as Turkish Star Wars because of its notorious bootlegging of Star Wars film clips worked into the film. Released in 1982, Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam was created in Turkey caught in the midst of massive political upheaval. As a result, American-made films were not easily acquired and were often remade with a Turkish cast and setting. The musical soundtrack is entirely lifted from Western film hits of the time, primarily using Raiders of the Lost Ark. There are also scenes incorporating the music of Moonraker, Flash Gordon, Battlestar Galactica, Planet of the Apes and Disney’s The Black Hole. This film is considered the worst ever.

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