Bill Doty
Bill Doty
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Bill Doty:

10 Funniest Steve Jobs Videos

Unless you’ve been living under a PC you heard about the passing of Steve Jobs in 2011. Steve gave us so many thing and we…

The Three Stooges Trailer Has Finally Arrived. Is That A Good Thing?

You’re either going to hate that they are remaking The Three Stooges, or you’re REALLY going to hate it. Such iconic humor done so raspedly.…

Rudolph The Red Nose Tauntaun

Ever see a picture that you immediately have so much love for you want to scream it at the World? Or at least post it…

Twitter Phone vs Facebook Phone

My good friend Ben Dickson made this graphic for our alter-ego Twitter account Hal9000. It’s funny so share it with the world.

Best Occupy Wall Street Picture Eva

I’ve seem some very humbling, uplifting, upsetting and outrageous OWS photos, but some are just downright hilarious. This, being the funniest yet.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s DVD Commentary For Total Recall May Be The Greatest Thing Ever Committed To Film

Yes, I believe Arnold Schwarzenegger’s DVD commentary for Total Recall may be the greatest thing ever committed to film. Watch this and tell me otherwise.

Michael J. Fox Had Better Start Aging

Back to the Future II takes place in 2015. Now if by chance the world doesn’t end by then, it’s only 3 years away. I…

Pixar’s New “Brave” Trailer

A friend was introducing his son to Toy Story the other day. I remember the first time I saw it and how amazed I was.…