
Interviewing Osama bin Laden’s Neighbors

I’m always fascinated when a serial killer is discovered in a suburban area and the media interviews the neighbors. They always say the same thing. “He was just your average neighbor” So I wondered if this norm shined true for Osama bin Laden’s neighbors in Abbottabad. I wrote a little piece, grabbed a few awesome...More Please

Oprah’s Last Show

This weekend I filmed a piece I wrote called Oprah’s Last Show. It starred the amazingly funny Debra Wilson (Mad TV) and the rest of the MORT clan. I’m not sure the last time I laughed this much on set. I mean, without someone getting naked.

Hipster or Douchebag

Two distinct social groups, but can you always tell them apart? Test your Hipster and Douchebag knowledge. Hipster or Douchebag? 1. Knows they are smarter than you. 2. Knows they are buffer than you. 3. Has enough hair gel on to spackle a medium size house. 4. Doesn’t own a comb or brush. 5. Shelves...More Please
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