
Parking In LA

I honestly believe at any second in LA there are never more than 3 available parking spots. This doesn’t affect my love for LA, but puts a kink in it. You wouldn’t break up with a girl because she didn’t have enough chairs in her place, right? You break up with them because they are...More Please

TSA Training Video – Huge A Jew

A repost? Sure it is. But since the TSA is all uppity and in the news for touching our jibblets, I thought I’d repost it. This was actually a piece that Turner Broadcasting wouldn’t buy. Where’s the love? This was based on the stand up of Marshall Chiles who’s the other TSA agent you see...More Please

My Buddy John Crow on the Conan Premiere

My friend John Crow, who reads the lottery numbers in Atlanta, had NO idea he was going to be on the premiere of Conan O’brien’s new show until his friends started texting him saying ‘Dude, you’re reaching in a bear’s crotch on national TV”. So there’s that.
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