
Samuel L Jackson Was Almost In Titanic

No, this isn’t new… but it’s still one of the funniest things I’ve seen on the Interwebs. These are the same guys who did the Obama and McCain dance off. Why doesn’t this have millions and trillions of views? Either way, super funny and very well done. This Mother F***ing boat is drowning!

Who Needs a Movie?

The great thing about Hollywood is it’s the place where dreams come true. Yet they didn’t mention that the dreams could be coma size where they last for years… and years. I only know this due to my totally wicked awesome screenplay that Lions Gate has been hee’ing and haw’ing over for the last year....More Please

Happy Birthday Patrick Stewart

Bad Ass Patrick Stewart turns 70 today. Sure he was totally wicked awesome in Star Trek and X-Men, but if you haven’t seen his performance in Ricky Gervais’ TV show Extras then you’re completely missing out. The bloopers from his episode is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. So much love for Captain...More Please

Hiking Half Dome

For the third time in a year I’ve hike Half Dome. We decided to hit it early this year and during a week day to avoid the line at the cables. The line was still monstrous but we still made it to the top. It’s 17 miles of pure Hell, if Hell was full of...More Please
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