
It’s Presidents’ Day. Time To Bowl!

How does Abraham Lincoln celebrate his birthday? Bowling with other dead Presidents. This is one of the Fark TV videos I hold closet to my heart… and not because I’m such an awesome bowler. No one in the bowling alley as bothered by dead presidents bowling either. They didn’t even give us a second look

Watch Some Videos Meow

Today I’m feeling some love for some cat talk. I found this first video late last night. It’s a boy’s choir with a straight man and a cat impressionist. This isn’t my first favorite cat video. How can we forget Rap Cat?

The 1987 Cell Phone Project

A few years ago I found a really old cell phone on ebay. I HAD to have it… I don’t know why. Since then I’ve have used it for various fun times. Even in a few videos but it has never really had a special purpose… now it has one. I’ve decided to start the...More Please
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