
Yesterday around noon(ish) a fiberoptic line was cut outside of the city. There was no phoneline, internet or even cellular. It was like being in a tiny cardboard box. Scary how I depend on those items. It was fixed sometime through the night, we managed to publish….life it good Oh yeah, to people who keep...More Please

Since day one, we have been running off a windows server. Bad choice on our part. We have come to the conclusion that we need to go linux. This will speed up the site, use less bandwidth and lower our hosting costs. When this happens, we will lose a lot of the existing URLS. These...More Please

One of our writers (Joe Peacock) had a true story he wrote turned into a short film. Click here to check it out.

I have been sucked into a few seasons of Survivor, this last season was one. Hoorah for Rupert Truly the most deserving Survivor. Sad that I care so much

Apparently Spike Lee has confused President Bush with the Clintons when he said he was ‘Surprised’ that Bush administration hasn’t killed Michael Moore. Spike Lee has been at the base of other outlandish accusation such as the claims that he and Denzel Washington was ‘dissed’ by the academy awards for Malcolm X because he was...More Please

Apparently the Paktribune discovered they stole a satire article. Their facts checker must be a few days behind. The article is now down. Funny little Pakies. I just read on the same site that Osama’s family trying to build the worlds tallest skyscraper. I am not sure if I should believe it coming from this...More Please

Occasionally we have had people believe our stories, it happens. Sometimes they are so close to the truth they can throw you off. Other sites have this problem too. But I have to wonder when a source falls for a story so far off. This was not from our site, but another satire site. The...More Please

Pumping me up. Lately I have become far less active. My summers use to be filled with Softball, my winters basketball. I filled in the spaces by riding my bike, volleyball, etc. I have not had time for any of this and it is starting to show. I am officially in the worst shape I...More Please

Tomorrow night E! Television is showing their Olsen Twins special. We are told Broken Newz is getting some free PR on the show. Be sure to check it out (Pervs) Here is a preview
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