Summer is approaching, spring is pretty much here. I have been wearing shorts as much as possible to help deaden the pain of looking directly at my white legs. Usually I get pretty tan, this last summer I spent far too much time indoors…this summer…no way. Just purchased a new bike and I resigned up for some organized sports….I am there!

Usually I need to shed a few pounds this time of year but this winter I did not put on my usually poundage. I guess I have been forgetting to eat. Sux.

I did cut fast food from my diet. I just could not take it anymore, I never felt good after eating at those places anyways….I would drag the rest of the day. The only place I will allow myself to go is the occassional IN-N-OUT burgers, that is it!!

As for eating better at home? Well….that is to be determined. I find lately I am only eating one meal a day, and that is usually 10 or so at night. Not good. Then when I do it might be a can of chicken, bowl of cereal or spagetti.

What is so horrid about that is I am just a great cook. I love to cook. But I just cannot find the time.

On another note, I have had readers from time to time ask about having a ‘Broken Newz party”. I guess if there was enough interest, we could do that. Vegas would be the meeting point, I imagine mostly locals would show up. If you are interested, gimme a shout. We could pull something off this summer.