
My 1,000,000 Hit Video

This is what happens when I’m bored and between two meetings on a Wednesday. Now of course in all honesty I’ve made million hit videos before. But not in 15 minutes and with a lap top. (And of course this one is at 6 views… so there’s that) I guess this one is almost 2...More Please

I Am The Luckiest

I don’t get many things right the first time. In fact, I am told that a lot. Now I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls brought me here. And where was I before the day that I first saw your lovely face? Now I see it everyday and I know that I...More Please

TRON: Lebowski

I’m never a big fan when someone messes with my childhood. Tron, though a big clump of cheese, is one of those things I tend to be a little protective over. So I’m hesitant to have any love for the new Tron… which might look a little too much like the old Tron… which did...More Please
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