This is what happens when I can’t sleep at night. Tiger Woods Golf and Grand Theft Auto… two of my favorite games are now combined into one. click the image for bigger goodness.
I’m not going to try and fool you here, I’m not very good at marriage. I know… big shocker. I’ve made attempts from time to time and have conceded to the fact that I am a serial monogamist. The whole “lifetime commitment” is really more than I can wake up to each day. I began...More Please
I have been with Verizon for longer than I can remember. I stuck with them during the era of crappy phones and odd billing mistakes to their somewhat dominance of the wireless game. A girl I used to date works for Verizon and I usually get any skinny from her on upcoming Verizon fun stuff....More Please
My Macbook has a 100 gigs of harddrivable hard drive space yet weekly I am deleting volumes of crap to make room for more crap. How much crap do I need? Occasionally I find old scripts I wrote and forgot about, or even gooder… video. A video we shot a while back called Drunk Astronauts...More Please
I had interviewed a gaggle of Dragon Con attendees in 2008 but the footage went kaboom and we couldn’t use any of it. Turns out someone took some pics and they were just sent to me. How cool
I tend to spend a lot of time in Starbucks when writing. For some reason it motivates me. Whether it is the flux of people and their visually entertaining diversity, the change of environment that convinces me I am actually doing something away from hime, or maybe just the coffee. Either way I seem to...More Please
I was a Peter Serafinowicz fan going back to Spaced, he’s recently started getting some mainstream popularity via his role in Couples Retreat and the upcoming The Best and the Brightest with Niel Patrick Harris. I knew the guy was talented… but had no idea he was THIS good.