
Sean Vs Gravitron

My Macbook has a 100 gigs of harddrivable hard drive space yet weekly I am deleting volumes of crap to make room for more crap. How much crap do I need? Occasionally I find old scripts I wrote and forgot about, or even gooder… video. A video we shot a while back called Drunk Astronauts...More Please

Dragon Con 2008

I had interviewed a gaggle of Dragon Con attendees in 2008 but the footage went kaboom and we couldn’t use any of it. Turns out someone took some pics and they were just sent to me. How cool

I hate wannabe Hollywood pricks

I tend to spend a lot of time in Starbucks when writing. For some reason it motivates me. Whether it is the flux of people and their visually entertaining diversity, the change of environment that convinces me I am actually doing something away from hime, or maybe just the coffee. Either way I seem to...More Please
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