
9 Weirdest Lunch Boxes

I guess they don’t make lunch boxes like they used to huh? What happened to my Scooby Doo? I played around online and came up with a group of pretty odd lunch boxes. 9. Devil Girls (Dark Horse) Robert Crumb’s warped mind can now help mold the minds of your children. If your kids aren’t...More Please

E knows funny I guess

I’ve been doing some writing for E Television. Here is what I’ve learned about their sense of humor. Dead baby jokes – Funny Dead celebrity jokes – Not funny Natural disaster jokes – Not funny Celebrity disaster jokes – Funny Geek humor – Confusing Ryan Seacrest jokes – Hysterical

Ready For Your Close Up Mr. Selleck

I’ve been working on a screenplay which is partially surrounding a man’s desire to grow a really awesome mustache. Admittedly it’s somewhat autobiographic as I have always wanted to grow one myself and have never truly had the opportunity. Perhaps it is the fact that I was only a child in the 70s and pubescent...More Please
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