Google does one thing great.
When it comes to that, it nails it. Even with its geeky algorithms and page ranking punishments that sometimes completely wipes a listing from the web with no explanation or communication, it’s still a great search engine.
Even with its ads slowly blending into search results…
… or their inability to truly know porn from non-porn.
Wait.. I’m getting off track here. Anyhow, I use Google and I can kinda assume I always will. Even when they play little tricks like this-
I have two Google mail accounts. My first being my name [email protected]. Obviously I was the first Bill Doty to get a gmail account and I quickly snagged the name. In fact, I was one of the first people I know to have a gmail account. I was pretty fucking big back then.
My other is off my domain, [email protected], which I run via the Google Exchange server. I forward my original emails there, slowly weening myself from my original gmail email. Both are accessed through Gmail, just two different logins.
When Google+ came along I quickly snagged one of those up too. Sure I fell for the Google Twitter clone and all the other knockoffs… but what if this time Google actually pulled it off. Actually competed with Facebook. So with high hopes, I did it, and I log into it now about every 6 months just to see changes, disgust… and done. It’s also off my [email protected] account which there is never a reason to log into.
My email has no Google+ account. I don’t need two unused social media accounts. That’s just silly.
Now, when writing this I reminisce about the YouTube/Gmail account mess with made me actually close one of my YouTube accounts because I had no Gmail account to link it to. I was annoyed, didn’t get it but figured Google was just being a dick about things. I’ve been married before and I understand what it’s like to be told things that make no sense.
Now of course Google has decided you’re not allowed to comment on YouTube videos until you’re a Google+’er…. so my YouTube commenting days are over unless I feel the need to switch Google accounts back and forth.
Fine, enough is being said across the web, nothing more I can add.
But now there’s THIS shit.
This morning Google said I had two notifications on my account.
Sign into my Google+ account? Surely they are mistaken. There is no Google+ account associated with this email. Let’s try to sign in.
Google, you’re a dirty little whore. You’re now using sneaky techniques to get people to get a Google+ account. You’re tricking people to THINK they have notifications… making them create an account, only to find out you’re using the old AOL playbook of internet shit-biz-nezz.
So now, every day I’m going to see those nasty notifications…. knowing there’s truly nothing there. And you’re going to make me wonder day after day….
… is Bing really that bad?
UPDATE TIME!@!@!$!!!
So during the Redditing of this article yesterday I noticed a TON of direct traffic from Mountain View, CA. The home of Google. Today I noticed something different when visiting Google.