
Ghostumentary Short Stories

Every week I find myself dreaming up horror movie ideas—some good, some gloriously terrible. Good one? POVincent: a man becomes dangerously obsessed with filming every part of his life, to deadly consequences. And the bad one? Slice: the tale of an evil pizza maker who dies in his dough, only to return as a haunted...More Please

I’ve Started My Own Film Festival

As a filmmaker, you become very opinionated quickly about submitting to and working with film festivals. There was a time when they were valid and even more so, a requirement to get your film seen and hopefully sold. But those days are gone and unless you’re politically connected or have a big name in your...More Please

How To Make A Low Budget Horror Film

A year ago I set out to make a low-budget horror film. It’s a companion piece to a documentary about cult films and how they came to be. I’ve talked to several actors and filmmakers of cult films and even managed to get a few into my own film. It’s been a fun journey. My...More Please
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