
Best Lryics Ever?

If you’re only going to watch one video this week, one video that will leave you as speechless as the words to this song, make it this one. Here is one I can’t mess up the words on.

5 Songs I Horribly Learned The Words Wrong To

Although I’ve been unblessed with a horrific singing voice, it has not restricted me from singing loudly throughout my days. Showering, driving, cooking, bothering those around me. I always seem to find time in my day to be musically boisterous. With all this singing, I don’t always have time to learn the words to the...More Please

Amazing 1969 IHOP Commercial

I don’t know why I have so much love for IHOP, it’s sub-par food served with a grunt yet I make my way back month after month and hope for a hairless omelet. But now I believe my love comes at a subconscious level, an image placed on my youth as a child as I...More Please

YouTube, You Think You Know Me?

Alright, Youtube DOES know me. They know me well enough to know I can watch infantile clips of people being kicked in the nuts, falling down stairs and most importantly… farting. This video Youtube deemed Me-worthy. Sure I like the classics, but thanks for thinking of me when you get some viral flatulence!

Loving The Geek Love

I love geek. My inner geek speaks to me daily, and sometimes I use my inner geek to speak for me. So when I see others speaking geek I get all warm and fuzzy. Ctrl + Z [I’m sorry] Roses are #FFOOOO Binary Jewelry
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