If you’re only going to watch one video this week, one video that will leave you as speechless as the words to this song, make it this one. Here is one I can’t mess up the words on.
Although I’ve been unblessed with a horrific singing voice, it has not restricted me from singing loudly throughout my days. Showering, driving, cooking, bothering those around me. I always seem to find time in my day to be musically boisterous. With all this singing, I don’t always have time to learn the words to the...More Please
I don’t know why I have so much love for IHOP, it’s sub-par food served with a grunt yet I make my way back month after month and hope for a hairless omelet. But now I believe my love comes at a subconscious level, an image placed on my youth as a child as I...More Please
I’ve officially given up on NBC’s The Office, and for this I am sad. No one wanted this show to shine more than I. I was a fan of the UK version and was antsy in my pantsies from the moment I heard of the Americanized production. I followed each new actor as they were...More Please
Alright, Youtube DOES know me. They know me well enough to know I can watch infantile clips of people being kicked in the nuts, falling down stairs and most importantly… farting. This video Youtube deemed Me-worthy. Sure I like the classics, but thanks for thinking of me when you get some viral flatulence!
I love geek. My inner geek speaks to me daily, and sometimes I use my inner geek to speak for me. So when I see others speaking geek I get all warm and fuzzy. Ctrl + Z [I’m sorry] Roses are #FFOOOO Binary Jewelry
So I was sitting in a parking garage today wasting some time before a meeting and I let my mind wander. Horrible things usually happen when I let it go wild but today, it feel it didn’t let me down. I came up with the greatest practical joke ever! So you start off by going...More Please
I have a new project I’m working on that might send me on the road for a bit. Not sure if I want to go through with it just yet. But who wouldn’t want a paid vacation right?
Occasionally I find a lost episode of Fark TV. After Turner took them down we managed to sneak a few on youtube and sometimes you find one on other sites. My friend Gus found one of my favorites on Funny or Die. It’s called Screwdriver Up The Ass. I loved this one for many reasons....More Please