
I’ve Started My Own Creative Agency

I’ve worn many hats at the creative agency I’ve been working at for the last 5 plus years. During that time I’ve been offered countless freelance jobs in design, video production, web development and more. I generally turned it down… Until now.  I found a few other super talented people and started a Boise Ad...More Please

No Luck at Potlucks

When I was 19, I was a freelance artist for a T-shirt shop. I didn’t make much money, I didn’t make many friends (it was rather competitive), I didn’t make many shirts. But it was easily one of the biggest learning experiences of my life. I believe that anyone who eventually enters a stage of...More Please

Letting Go Of Grudges

8 months ago I got into a horrible fight with a great friend. The friendship tragically ended and I had nothing but feelings of anger towards him. Last night as I was sitting at a patio at a restaurant he walked by, we both locked eyes and didn’t look away. Instinctively I said “Hi”, he...More Please
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