Bill Doty
Bill Doty
Currently Viewing Posts By: Bill Doty
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Bill Doty:

NBC Nightly News Posted The Funniest Tweet Ever About

The other night my Twitter and FB messages were a flutter, during that time I received a message from my cousin letting me know NBC…

How My New Coffee Table Represents Everything Bad I See In Marriage

Almost a year ago I moved into my new house. Beyond a few boxes and beds, I had very little furniture. That day I raced…

The 88 Nissan Sentra Stolen Tire Domino Effect

In December of 1988 I purchased my first brand new car. Of course I’m guessing the month for story stature but the year I remember…

There is a special place in Hell for people who post spoilers on Facebook

Last night, as many… well all of you know… was the series finale of Breaking Bad. The first thing you should know is that I…

Review of The IT Crowd Season 5 – The Internet Is Coming

They did it again, Graham Linehan noted that a 5th season just wasn’t working scriptwise and combined with the core actors getting more work than…

Homeless Man does Breaking Bad impressions for Food (Fake)

Or should this be called Friends Make Friend With Beard Who Can Do A Few Bad Impressions Play Homeless Man For Views. I saw this…

Did I Just Take The Sample Photo Of Instagram?

This weekend I heard what sounded like a flame thrower above my house. It turned out it was just a hot air balloon a little…

Total Eclipse of the Heart Karaoke

I was looking through old footage and I found this gem. My good friend Steve Filice and I can really hit those high notes.

No More Fighting

Yesterday I almost got into a fight. How close I’m not sure but a driver of a vehicle whose skills were lessor than mine was…